Thursday, July 4, 2013

Running With the Mouse... and more...

So, I have determined that the "I <3 to run" Facebook page "gets me!" :)

I haven't posted since June 15th, just a short time after we ran our first 5K in Fuquay-Varina... and its not like anything momentous has happened since then, but there have been a couple of highlights. It feels rather strange to not be "training for something," but its also exciting to know that if I miss a day or two of running it doesn't impede my ability to get back out there and pick up where I left off. :)  I'm still amazed when I remember that three months ago I couldn't run for 2 minutes without gasping for air!!

So, June was a crazy month, starting with Run the Quay 5k, which I both directed AND ran! Then there was the Rotary Triathlon (that I did NOT participate in, but did organize) the following weekend. Then we had a baby shower on June 15th for my daughter, complete with houseguests. I still ran all during that time, but sometimes I had to fit the runs in later in the day or adjust the days that I ran.

Then I took Kennedy to Disney for her long-awaited dance training trip. I researched running options while I was on the Walt Disney resort and found out that each resort hotel has their own running trails, and all I had to do was ask the concierge for one when I got there. So, we headed off for 5 days in the heat and storms on June 19th. I got my map upon arrival, found a 2.5 mile loop, and planned to go out the next day to "Run with the Mouse," as I called it.

The first day, we had to be in the park by 8:00 am, which would have required that I run at 5:15 in the morning, and it was pitch dark outside. I wasn't comfortable running in the dark on empty streets in a strange place, so I had to wait until the schedule allowed me to run during daylight hours. So, I did it on Sunday morning before we drove home -- SO GLAD I DID! I can always say "I Ran with the Mouse!" :) It was very cool sticking to a running routine while on the road. I felt like I had checked off another "To Do" item off my running goal list -- to run while on vacation (even though I did that in Myrtle Beach back in May) -- but this time it was at DISNEY!!

When I got home, however, my body simply crashed! I was like the walking dead, and even took a day and a half off from work to try to sleep it off. Although it kind of felt like a cold trying to happen, I think it was just pure exhaustion from everything in June topped off by the trip to Florida. So, needless to say, I didn't run for 10 days! I had good intentions by the end of the first week, but my body just screamed NO! every morning that I wanted to get up and go. When I finally felt good enough to get back out there, I really thought I'd be back to basics after so long ... but I was surprised that I could run my 2.3 miles without stopping to walk! I was excited!!

Today, Mark and I decided to try a new route in our neighborhood. Now that we've conquered "Heartbreak Hill" and do the same route every other day, we thought it would be cool to try another section of the 'hood and see if any of it was less hilly. We ran a 3.3 mile route today (not including our 5-minute warmup walk and 10-minute cool-down walk mileage), and kicked butt on one giant hill (long and steady, but not steep)!! We ran our own 5K this morning, and only stopped once to rest our hamstrings! We are so pumped!! ... and sore!! Having trouble walking around this morning, but I'll take it! On Saturday we will go back to our regular route, but we already have a 4-mile loop staked out from our house to Harris Teeter and back -- maybe next weekend!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Post First Race :(

After I Ran the Quay, my running became a little inconsistent. I ran intervals the Tuesday after the race because my body was so wiped out. Then I got sick and had to organize a triathlon, so I didn't run for 5 days. I was so ready to get back out there this week, and both my runs have been amazing! On yesterday's run I ran 2.34 miles without stopping to walk once!! It set the tone for the rest of my day!

So, I have completed several goals, and (of course), now its time to set new ones...!

First of all, I have decided to take a break from an organized training group, only because its going to be HOT, HOT, HOT and I think I'll be doing well to just maintain a regular running routine while it's hot and humid. I am going to continue in the OPT running group, which will meet a couple of Saturday mornings per month and a couple of mid-week afternoons at the track, but I won't be training for a particular race or trying to push myself to another level until August. My goal for each week is to run three times, with the weekend run being the longest.

Then, in August, I will start training for the "4 at 4" race in Holly Springs and the Oktoberfest 8K -- both in October. :)  A bunch of us are going to run the Electric Run in Raleigh on September 13th, but that is purely for fun!! Finally, I'm going to set my sights on a half marathon for April 2014. Time will tell if my old bones can get up to speed that fast, but if not, I'll have the Run the Quay 10K to do instead. :)

I found this quote today on "I <3 to Run"'s page on Facebook. I don't have a crooked nose, but the sentiment is what rings true...
I used to feel pretty sometimes. And then I started running. It was hard. My face was red, I would sweat profusely, my nose would run when it was cold, and no matter how many different pairs of shorts I tried, my thighs always seemed to rub together. The first time I saw my race photos, I cringed. Did I really look like THAT when I ran? Yes, in my past, sometimes I would feel pretty. But thanks to running and triathlon, I gained scars on every elbow, knee, and hip, a crooked nose, and tan lines that would put zebras to shame. Things had changed, in a big way. I stopped worrying about the red face and sweating and realized that the feeling of crossing a finish line was so much better than any good hair day. Yes, in my past, sometimes I would feel pretty. But now, thanks to running and triathlon, things are different. With my crooked nose, battle scars and spandex, I don’t feel pretty anymore. I feel beautiful.

- Susan Lacke

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sharing Some Inspiration...

I don't have anything new to report on my own journey, but I saw this today on Facebook and just had to share it! It sums up why I have decided to do this in just a few words and a picture! Feel free to like his Facebook page -- I <3 to run -- and his website

For me, running is both exercise and a metaphor. Running day after day, piling up the races, bit by bit I raise the bar, and by clearing each level I elevate myself. At least that’s why I’ve put in the effort day after day: to raise my own level. I’m no great runner, by any means. I’m at an ordinary – or perhaps more like mediocre – level. But that’s not the point. The point is whether or not I improved over yesterday. In long-distance running the only opponent you have to beat is yourself, the way you used to be.

- Haruki Murakami (What I Talk About When I Talk About Running)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Goal #3... check!

When I started out in this 8-week journey toward running a 5K, I had three main goals...

First, I wanted to be able to run further than the end of the driveway without gasping for breath! We started with interval training, and I did it longer than our homework required because my cardiovascular system was in such bad shape. I didn't even make a commitment to a 5K because I was absolutely convinced that it would take me twice as long as everyone else to get ready, and I didn't want to run a 5K if I couldn't run most of it. So, I concentrated on breathing and making sure I didn't wreck my legs in the pursuit of getting back in shape.

Second, I wanted to kickstart my weight loss efforts, because an occasional boot camp or kickboxing class wasn't getting it done anymore. I recognized that my metabolism was at an all-time low and not getting any better. After two fitness challenges at OPT, I knew that watching every calorie would prevent me from gaining any more, but that the only way to start LOSING again was to get substantially more active. So, running seemed to be the least expensive and most effective way of guaranteeing that I did something very active at least every other day.

Third, and less important, was training for the 5K itself. We were all working toward that goal -- it was, after all, the main reason for the "5K training group" I was in. I waited and waited to sign up for the race and it was only THIS WEEK that I finally decided that I had worked too hard to give up the culminating event of our program -- regardless of how my boss felt. I figured out how to free myself up from work to run, and signed up Saturday morning after all. Although it wasn't originally in my plan to run yesterday, I did, and I did better than last week -- 34:40! I had to stop and walk briefly to catch my breath because of the heat, but my legs and feet never bothered me once! I'm so glad I did it... I had not expected to run it and was happy with my time last week, but in retrospect there's nothing like running it with 600 other people and comparing notes with everyone afterwards. The camaraderie and "team spirit" that we enjoyed before, during, and after the race was like a drug to me -- its not often I feel "included" in things. I'm either the organizer, or the worker bee -- rarely the participant. The fact that I could be all three this time, and really enjoy the adrenaline rush of achieving the third of my three goals on schedule, was an invaluable experience! And, the whole experience reinforced in my mind that I can continue to do this and be successful at it.

The beauty of running is that it is truly a sport for individuals -- you can have your own goals, your own expectations, and your own achievements, and still share it with others from time to time. I didn't complete the race by running the whole time, but I had hoped to do it in 35 minutes or less, and I did! Next time, I'll run the whole thing without stopping, and I'll try for a little quicker time. Yes, there will be a next time, and I will continue to run, even in the heat of summer! Another 5K in August, the Electric Run in September, and an 8K in October... onward and upward!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Today Was My 5K!! :)

So, today was the last long Saturday run of the training session, and I have had a good week, so I was hopeful that I could pull off a good run this morning. The last time I tried this, you may remember, I had a bout of shin splints just about halfway through, and I had to walk most of the second half.

On Thursday morning, I was able to run my entire 2.3 mile neighborhood loop with two 1.5 minute walks up what we call "heartbreak hill." The weather was very unsettled, and I ran through a double rainbow on Holly Branch, which was VERY cool!
My new Running Club shirt

It was a great run, so I was pretty pumped about running the Run the Quay 5K course that we've all been training for. It was the last test run on the course before they all run the actual race next weekend. For me, it WAS my 5K, since I probably won't be able to run it next weekend since I'm the race organizer. So, my goal this morning was to run the whole thing, or as much of it as humanly possible. I haven't run 3.2 miles yet in my training, so I knew it would be a stretch for me, and I was worried about the shin splints reoccurring.

I stretched this time, and walked to warm up for about 2 minutes, and when we started off, I ran much slower to start with than last time. Amazingly enough, I only had to walk twice for one minute each time to stretch my hamstrings which had started to tighten up. My shins hinted at issues, but pain never really materialized. I ran up all three major hills, which I had never done before, and I finished the course in 35:58!! I was so excited! It's been an awesome day and I'm so very glad I embarked on this journey two months ago! I still have to find a 5K to get an official time in, but now I know I can do it and it won't kill me! Hmmm..... which one should I do?? :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Intervals are My Friend!

So, today was interval day at the track, and after Monday's not so great attempt, I wasn't sure how it was going to go. I used a rolling pin to roll the muscles in my shin before I left the office, and did a couple different shin stretches. When I got to the track, I did some hamstring stretches and a couple more that stretched both my shins and calves. Then I made sure I walked for 4 minutes before I started running.

Today's workout was a full mile with a 4-minute walk, a half mile with a 3-minute walk, and then two quarter miles with a 2-minute walk in between. I was surprised how good it felt. I think I could have run another couple of laps, but with my recent shin splints I decided not to be noble and stop when I was supposed to! ;)

It was only 2 miles, and it was relatively flat, but it was great to get a good run under my belt after a poor one, and now I can look forward to my run on Thursday. I think on Thursday I will run my normal route backwards just to change it up and see how I do with the major hill first and the rest of the route being mostly downhill.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sometimes it Sucks (Sorry, Mom!)

Today we woke up to rain... lots of it. But, as Mindy says, "They don't cancel a race for rain, so you might as well train in the rain." So, I put my big girl shorts on and headed out at 7:00 am. Unfortunately for me, I didn't stretch before I went out. I did my 5 min warm-up walk, but no stretching, and it showed.

I ran the first mile without much trouble. It poured several times, but the rain didn't seem to bother me at all.  By the time I got to the 1.5 mile mark,though, the shin splints and ankle pain started up. So, I walked it off, and then tried running again, but my legs felt really heavy and my hamstrings couldn't pick my feet up enough to prevent the shin splints from coming back. So, I walked and ran (more walking than running) the remainder of the 2.3 miles, then picked up the dog for our regular cool-down walk.

All in all, I ran more than I walked, and I was out there doing SOMETHING for at least 45 minutes, so it wasn't all a wash! But, I've had better days. I think I am in desperate need of some hamstring stretches that I can do a couple times a day in between runs...

Like I posted on my fitness challenge Facebook page recently, I think that running is like labor and delivery (sorry, guys!). While you're doing it, you're hating it and swearing you'll never do it again, but when you're done and it fades into the haze of short-term memory, you start planning the next one! :)  I stand by this analogy -- it totally fits for me!